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Thank you Joanne from for visiting us today to talk about Buntingford pool and a huge thank you to the families of our school for donating money to help get it reopened! Hopefully, one day soon we can use the pool for school swimming lessons! 🤩


The Buntingford First PTA are excited to announce we are having a Halloween Disco on Thursday 24th October!Please use your child’s FULL NAME as a reference, or send payments directly to the PTA bank account. Thank you! 🎃


Next week is TravelWise Week! We are challenging children to complete a Travel Trail whilst they travel to or from school. The aim is to encourage more children to travel actively to school and to help them engage with their surroundings as they travel


We are delighted that we have been shortlisted for an Education Estates Award 2024 - Project of the Year. Winners will be announced in October so we wish all shortlisted schools the best of luck!


Our bookings are open now for our EYFS tours for 2025 admissions! If you will have a Nursery or Reception child in 2025 and wish to see our school in action please book on via our website


We were thrilled to receive our Good level Modeshift STARS accreditation, just in time for TravelWise Week and World Car Free Day next week.TravelWise Week is Modeshift’s travel challenge taking place between 16-22 September each year. Could you next week?


Just like that our first year is over… and what a year it’s been! Thank you all for lending us your incredible children, who make everyday so rewarding. Here’s to many more wonderful years together! Have the best summer ❤️


Thanks goodness it’s Friday!


We can’t wait to welcome you all for the teddy bear’s picnic tomorrow! Don’t forget to bring a tasty snack, a drink and, of course, your favourite teddy bear! 🧸


A lovely way to practise your writing skills this summer and bring some smiles to our friends at Layston Grove ❤️ send a post card from your holiday!


This morning, children in Oak class used the app Chatter Kids to make their Lego game come to life! Check out their awesome story: The Made up Pirate Ship 😎


A History lesson in early years… Phones through the ages 🤣


Parents! Are you interested in joining the PTA and helping us to raise funds for the school? Send your name and number to and we will add you to the group! ❤️


It’s our big summer day tomorrow! Sports’ Day at 1:30pm, followed by our PTA Summer Event from 3-5pm. We can’t wait to see all of our wonderful families 🤩


Why was the school closed today? All teaching staff have been at a Scholar’s Trust primary conference, learning new strategies to support learning, particularly in oracy: your child the question below and record their answer in the comments! 😁


🚨 BREAKING NEWS! 🚨 The naughty pea has taken over the nursery garden… if you catch any stray peas, please contact nursery. Thank you!


For their snack this morning, nursery class enjoyed some lettuce they they have grown themselves in the garden!


The eco club members had a great time at the eco conference. They participated in lots of activities and learnt lots about the importance of pollinators. Did you know that hummingbirds play a vital role in the pollination of many different species of plant life?!


The eco club members were thrilled to receive their green flag. They were proud to hang it and celebrated with some gardening in the sun!


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO! It’s the super kids! Calling all superheroes to class on Monday… 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️


Families of Buntingford First, get ready! Our summer celebration will be on Thursday June 27th, after sports day! Stay tuned for more updates next week… ☀️🎉


YAAAY! We did it! A HUGE thank you to our eco committee for their efforts in helping us achieve our very first Eco Schools Green Flag! Caring for our planet is everyone’s responsibility. We would also like to thank each and every student for participating.


We had a wonderful time meeting our new animal friends. We met Winston the bearded dragon, Malcolm the leopard gecko, Neville the snake, Marvin the giant African land snail, Remy the hamster and Gertrude the wide mouthed tree frog!


Nursery class are definitely passing through an enclosing play schema! This is when they like to enclose themselves and toys in buildings and boxes. Through this schema they are showing an interest in shape and space!


A huge THANK YOU to our Buntingford PTA for providing us with our caterpillars. We have loved watching them transform into butterflies! KS1 & KS2 enjoyed releasing theirs. EYFS are still waiting for a few to emerge ☺️ 🦋

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Education for Social Responsibility (ESR)

Education for Social Responsibility (ESR) 


Why is ESR important?

We believe in preparing our children to be well-rounded citizens of whom we can all be proud of; enabling our children to flourish in an ever-changing world.  We believe in having the children at the heart of everything we do, and part of that is enabling our children to be life-long learners and prepared for their future. As part of this, we offer an ESR (Education for Social Responsibility) curriculum which gives children the knowledge and understanding about the world in which we live. There are extensive ground and facilities to support a broad and balanced curriculum with plenty of opportunities for outdoor learning.

ESR is vital for our pupils to acquire the knowledge and skills that will support and enable them as life-long learners to make a difference on a local, national and international scale.  The world is changing at a rapid pace and we need to ensure that our children are prepared for the world of tomorrow; this is why our strap-line is, ‘Education for a Changing World’.

Sustainability is at the heart of our building as a net-zero, Passivhaus school.  It is also central in our curriculum too with dedicated ESR sessions in Year 1-4 as well as thematic days and weeks spread throughout the school calendar.

All our houses groups are also named after inspiration people who are icons in the world of sustainability House System - Buntingford First School

ESR Curriculum Overview


When is ESR taught?

ESR is taught through thematic units in the Early Years.  This then progresses to weekly ESR sessions in years 1-4.

How is ESR taught?

ESR is taught through seven different overarching strands. Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom.

What do we learn about in ESR?

We have seven different strands which are taught in Key Stage 1 and then built upon in lower Key Stage 2. In addition to this we also learn about our unique building and why it is so special in terms of its sustainability.

We learn about Ethical Trading; Fulfilled Lives; Ecosystems; Climate Change; Water Scarcity; Biodiversity; Finite Planet as well as learning about our own school building.

We are very lucky to be the first school in Hertfordshire to be built as a net-zero school.  Around the school you will see different signs that explain the features of our building and how they enable us to be more energy efficient.

BFS leaves

How do we assess and monitor ESR?

ESR work is summarised in our floor books.  Each class has a floor book that celebrates the learning we do around sustainability.  Children also get the opportunity to share their learning in assemblies, the school newsletter and with the wider community.

Forest School

As part of our curriculum, the children also have forest school sessions.  Further details of this wonderful provision can be found on our Forest School - Subjects - Buntingford First School page.

Our Sustainability Journey

Please see Sustainability at BFS - Buntingford First School for examples of how we support our learning about sustainability here at Buntingford First School.


We are lucky to have a group of dedicated pupils who care passionately about our environment.  Miss Hunter meets regularly with the group to facilitate their ideas about the development of sustainability at our school. 

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Eco School Award - Green Flag

We are delighted to have been awarded the Green Flag award for our work on sustainability. 

Our eco committee have worked hard to collect evidence of our efforts. Every single student has contributed to our work in their Education for Social Responsibility (ESR) lessons. Saving the planet is everyone’s responsibility! Here are some highlights from our feedback…

"It was amazing to see that all of the Eco-Committee participated in completing the Environmental Review. And that they all had a voice and their many comments were recorded. Even though you have a brand new carbon neutral school, your young Eco-Committee was still able to find areas of improvement."

"The Action Plan you have submitted has fun and engaging learning experience for little ones. This is a great approach to foster a long-term interest from an early age. The bee corridor and the pond sound like great projects."

"Your curriculum links come from a variety of subject areas, they’re very good examples of innovative and engaging environmental education!"

"It was super to learn that the children are more aware of their individual impact and how they can make a difference."

"We are more than happy to read that your greatest success is the enthusiasm of the students and the support from the parents. You can achieve so much when you have so much positivity."

T H A N K   Y O U to all of our Buntingford families for your support.

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Green Tree Awards

Buntingford First School has been awarded the bronze and silver level Green Tree School's Award. The award, from The Woodland Trust, encourages outdoor learning and inspires pupils about trees, woods and wildlife. Schools are rewarded for doing environmental projects such as tree planting, reducing CO2 emissions and visiting local woods. Over 14,000 schools are taking action to help the environment. To achieve the Bronze Award, we needed to elect our own tree mascot, Chico the red panda, show that we are a net-zero carbon school and learn about the importance of planting new trees. In the coming terms, we will be planting our own trees, hosting a tree decorating party and visiting local woodlands to earn our silver badge.

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Bronze Travel Plan

We are also working towards achieving the bronze travel plan in partnership with the local authority.  We are on track to have this accreditation by the end of this academic year.

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