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The eco committee have been hard at work planting a wildflower area to support pollinators. They produced posters to encourage others to do the same! 🐝


Well done to some of our friends for their litter picking efforts at the weekend! Remember, we have four litter pickers you may borrow, just ask your class teacher!


In nursery we have some very strong and brave little ladies! 💪😀


Finally it’s here! Head over to our new instagram page and follow us ❤️


It was a busy afternoon for the eco committee today!


Here it is… Our collaborative mural to celebrate taking care of our wonderful world ❤️🌎


What an exciting end to a fantastic half term… Oak class had a special delivery from outer space, spaceship parts! The children decided that the mummy and daddy aliens must have arrived to collect their baby and parked their spaceship on the roof!


Staff Wellbeing lunch is ready - we love how brilliant our staff are here! Thank you for all that you do for our children.


KS2 have really enjoyed thinking about the wonderful community we have in Buntingford. The children have used their Computing skills to create a summary of their work.


Really proud of our school choir performing, ‘This is Me,’ at our Easter assembly.


We have been so lucky to have had a healthy foods workshop run by Aspens. We learnt about tasty, healthy snacks and all the good they do for our bodies. We made a fruit and vegetable smoothly, which was delicious, healthy and sweet! We are allowed sweet treats, just not too many!


We have been learning about the importance of our wonderful community in Buntingford in our PSHE lessons recently. Year 3 and 4 have decided to get creative to make some Easter cards and gifts for our friends Layston Grove Care Home


We have had such a great time in after school club today with Mrs Garner, it was so much fun to bring our bikes and scooters to school to use!


A sneak peak of tonight’s trust concert 🎶


A sneak peak of tonight’s trust concert 🎶


🚨 NEWS UPDATE! 🚨 Nursery have made a discovery…


Houston, we have a problem… looks like Oak class will need to wear their detective hats this week!


KS2 worked extremely hard on their Lion King masks and we are so proud of the final result! They also created a dance to a favourite song from the film. Watch this space - coming soon to a screen near you!


Recently, some of the children in Oak class have been interested in ninjas. Today they learnt how to move stealthily and calmly. They managed to sneak past Mrs Johnson and Mrs Murray to collect the ninjas! 🥷


Year 2 enjoyed setting up a shop this morning as part of their learning about finding the change.


KS2 enjoyed learning about our sustainable school building today. We went around the school looking at the different features of the building that make it sustainable e.g. triple glazing, solar panels, air source heat pump, wildlife area with a pond, a living roof to name a few!


🚨 Exclusive egg update from Oak class! 🚨


BREAKING NEWS! 🚨 A space shuttle has landed in the nursery classroom! Inside is a large purple egg that looks like it’s hatching and lots of strange symbols… we can’t wait to see Oak class on Monday to help us figure out this mystery!


The children had such a wonderful time at our Valentine’s disco. We had dancing, music, games, sweets, balloons, a photo booth and even glitter tattoos! Thank you to Miss Hunter and the PTA for organising such a great event for our children.


In Oak class, the children love coming to school so much that they asked for their own miniature one! The children now have a mini classroom complete with a staff room and pretend photocopier ☺️❤️

Headteacher's Welcome

VJO profile picIt is a great privilege to be taking on the role of Headteacher at Buntingford First School and leading the exciting establishment of a brand-new school.

I passionately believe in knowing the children in our school as individuals and always ensuring that they are at the heart of everything we do. I have no doubt that Buntingford First School provides a stimulating and transformational education as this is the very least that children in our education deserve. I am excited to be on our journey together as Buntingford First School establishes itself in the local community and we see children and families flourish as they join the Scholars’ Education Trust.

The curriculum at Buntingford First School is innovative and tailored to the children’s needs, built upon first-hand learning experiences. I believe in preparing our children to be well-rounded citizens of whom we can all be proud of; enabling our children to flourish in an ever-changing world. Buntingford First School has a nurturing ethos and a child-centred approach which will enable all children to achieve high attainment and progress. Our key drivers for the curriculum will be around new technologies, well-being and of course, sustainability. Sustainability is inter-woven throughout the curriculum and the site lends itself to many key learning opportunities.

I am delighted that Buntingford First School will be the first net carbon zero school in Hertfordshire, as this is both a professional and personal passion of mine. Having led a successful project to build the profile of sustainability across Scholars’ Education Trust, I know that this is a key focus for all our schools. I take my own responsibility to reduce my carbon footprint seriously, driving an electric car and following the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. If you are interested in seeing our up-to-date learning then please do follow us on Twitter @buntingfordfs and Facebook @BuntingfordFirstSchool where we will report regularly on class and school news.

VJO signature

Vikki Johnston, Headteacher


Samryderd1 101I am delighted to welcome you to the website for Buntingford First School – Hertfordshire’s only carbon net zero school and one of the first in the country.

Central to the vision of Buntingford First School (BFS) is the shared belief that all children have the right to a transformational educational experience, that will enable them, no matter what their starting point, to fulfil their potential and realise their ambitions. 

I believe in providing high quality education, preparing our children with skills for life and encouraging them to be well-rounded individuals who are respectful, kind and tolerant of others.  BFS will exemplify outstanding early years and primary practice, evidenced by outstanding attainment and progress for all children, with a strong nurturing relationship between children and staff.  We will constantly strive to make school a happy, secure place for children to enjoy success at every level.

Within the framework of the national curriculum our school will develop an inclusive and personalised school curriculum that is designed around each child, with lots of opportunities for practical, hands-on activities. This curriculum will be based upon the traditional academic values and best practice of the Trust’s schools. This wealth of expertise will be shared and built upon to provide the best possible inclusive education for each child. It will be a curriculum that will enable them to attain and progress through the school.

BFS will also prepare children to move onto the next stages of their education with the skills to thrive.  Our strapline is “Education for a Changing World” and we will make full use of the benefits of technology within the classroom and beyond.  Similarly, children with strong views about important issues such as sustainability will be encouraged to help bring about change for the better in the school and local community.

We expect our school be at the heart of its community working closely with its neighbours to improve the educational outcomes for all Buntingford children.  It will work in partnership with local Buntingford schools as well as the other schools in the Scholars’ Education Trust.  We are extremely excited about moving into our brand-new, purpose-built, innovative buildings in 2023.

Our school will set the highest standards and expectations for behaviour for children. We will not compromise on a fundamental belief that good behaviour is essential for productive learning and in developing children to become responsible and valued members of the local and wider community.  The school will focus on developing positive learner dispositions to support achievement.  A key component of this will be a traditional primary school uniform that children will wear with pride as it will identify them as part of our new school. All staff will work tirelessly to help our children become well-rounded, positive and responsible members of society.

I hope the information provided on the website is helpful and captures what is important to us and our values.  Should you require more information please do not hesitate to contact the school.

MGA signature

Matt Gauthier, Executive Headteacher

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